Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Blog about Twitter

How does a Twitter discussion compare to a BlackBoard Discussion? To an in-class discussion?

What separates a Twitter discussion from any other is ofcourse its limited character space. Twitter discussion is more so a quick spurt of words where as blackboard will take a more in depth strategy. Twitter will help in avoiding a long introduction, body, and conclusion and will be straight to the point. A Twitter statement can reach an infinite spread where as blackboard will only be associated to the limited user access. There will also be no moderator to a Twitter statement unlike a blackboard discussion which will be overseen by an instructor.

Blackboard has similarities to a classroom in the idea of it being a educational platform. However speaking and typing are on two seperate platforms and worlds apart. Speaking in a classroom takes, to some degree, a whole different thought process. You are not able to type out a statement and think twice about it. You cannot take back what has been said. There is no delete button. There's also the barriers of accents and punctuation. Ofcourse there is no auto correct which is probably one of the leading factors to a lack of spelling now days. There's no emojis to represent a feeling, just your face itself...

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